LA NACION (Argentina) General Excellence

LA NACION has an integral strategy focused in innovation to serve its audiences.

Our growing audiences represent now more than 22,000,000 UBs in our website and mobile (45%), 3.310.099 followers between our Twitter channels,  3,271.000 followers between all the newsroom staff Twitter accounts and 6.292.370  fans in total between all of our Facebook pages.

This year we introduced new formats with our first Scrollytelling case about the National Institute of Statistics,  launched new mobile apps and redesigned content to adapt to mobile platforms, which now represent 45% of our audiences, leading in this segment regarding news in Argentina.  Seguir leyendo

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Dynamic personalization

It´s a new functionality that allows the users follow and fav the authors, tags and topics of their interest.

While following an author or tag, a page is built with all the articles from the last 30 days with chronological order where you can see if there is new content that hasn´t been read, or content that has already been read.  Seguir leyendo

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Third Parties Support

– US Embassy and UK Embassy in Datafest

We got financial support from US Embassy in Argentina for inviting Alex Howard and Steve Doig as keynote speakers and workshops managers to our 3rd Datafest for opening, mining and visualising public data.

We also could bring Simon Rogers for keynotes presentation and workshops


– Knight Mozilla OpenNews Fellow in LA NACION since February, 2015

We have been selected for hosting a civic hacker in our newsroom. Juan Elosua is an experienced developer for building open data journalism platforms.  Seguir leyendo

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INDEC, the Machine of Lies

INDEC the Machine of Lies, is the first project in which we use the scrollytelling multiplatform format to express with all the richness of multimedia, video and data journalism, a subject that impacts every day in Argentina, a silent growing problem that are the lies in national statistics since 2007. With this case  and it´s testimonies, we want to cover not only the suffering of skilled respected professionals, but what is more important, the  the hiding of poverty, unemployment and inflation.

 In 2007 the national statistics and census institute in Argentina (INDEC) was intervened by government. Many or the statistitians who historically produced the CPI index or the national home surveys were forced to change the CPI index in order to hide the real inflation rates, or were dismissed.  Seguir leyendo

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Use of Social Tools

La Nacion has an active focus on the use of social tools for reaching and including the audience in their work. One of our main focus has always been the social media strategy concerning our more than 35 branded official channels and 130 journalists on Twitter, which we consider a powerful mobile, real time and interactive service. The branded channels by themselves have more than 3 million followers all together. We also have a + 30 blog network, which has thriving communities that daily participate in the content of each blog by posting their comments (for example, in Movies, Amateur Cooking and Gay Friendly blogs). Many of them also have a very active  Facebook Fan page participation (Cooking and Gardening for instance). Moreover, we continue to work with our audience on Facebook, generating specific content on the various pages of la nacioncom (with more than 1.000.000 fans), canchallenacom (our sports site), supplements Fashion/Beauty and Culture, and fanpages of our blogs.

Our Instagram official channels family includes @revistaohlala, @canchallena, @lanacioncom, @revistalugares, @lnmodaybelleza and @adncultura.

Hightlights 2015:

Twitter Reverb: We played with Twitter Data for different reporting situations to help highlight the way a story explodes on Twitter. Something non-coders can use to interrogate an API and create a visualization.


Open Interviews using Facebook Q& A platform for Elections Candidates in Buenos Aires: For the primary election in Ciudad de Buenos Aires, we wanted to focus on giving a service to the audience and to bring together the voters and the politicians. Immediately we thought about the Q&A platform Facebook have recently made available. The huge amount of Facebook users in Argentina, the affinity politicians have with it were some of the excuses we needed to try it out.

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Video: 15 seconds, motion graphics & chaptered interviews

I) Instagram Video

For #WorldCup #Brazil2014 we have experimented with videos made for our growing Instagram audience in the sports channel.

Click to watch this video in Instagram

 Other World Cup examples: I y II

And we are also including them in our Femenine Magazine: I y II (GIFs)

II) Explanatory videos   We also made animated videos explaining different aspects of coming events regarding National Elections 2015.


VIDEO: Which are the documents you need to vote?

VIDEO: Which are the key dates and what do we vote?

VIDEO: Who are elegible to vote? VIDEO: Information for citizens less than 18 years old and for those that cannot vote VIDEO: How the primaries work? All you need to know about the primaries, open, simultaneous and compulsory elections.


(III) Video inverviews “Conversaciones”

Another highlight on elections reporting are interviews to candidates (presidential, governors, Buenos Aires City council) in our own newsroom. Videos have chapters for main Q&A and there is also a complete version of the conversation (around 20 minutes).

An aggregation of all Conversaciones (Conversations) project.

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Industrial and financial activity data ready and open

The Industrial and Financial activity data ready series, are new series of datasets that include a dataViz ready. We prepared each of these series manually, to be ready to illustrate many stories that reuse data or that are monitoring industries, financial activities or employment.

To do this this we developed “LNViz”, a tool that takes our data from dgocs and builds a chart, keeping it updated as we update the data series. Developed once by our interactive team it allows us to build charts from data with the journalists without the need of a developer or a designer. Then these charts are embedded in the articles and allows the users to download the data series.

Example of cars patented in Argentina 2012-2015

All of these series are updated manually from PDFs, but automatically shown in the front end, and the data is opened in Csv or XMLSeguir leyendo

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Mapping with CartoDB and Torque

Using resources as CartoDb together with data analysis allowed us to develop original content presented as interactive maps. We spent together four full day self-learning sessions mixing together a multidisciplinary team including designers, journalists and the data team.

One of the first examples was a map with the areas that have free wi-fi in Buenos Aires, published in January and updated and published again in March and May, in related articles.

January: a map allows us to know the areas of free wi-fi access in the City of Buenos Aires in libraries, museums and public squares.  Seguir leyendo

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Twitter Reverb

We played with Twitter Data for different reporting situations to help highlight the way a story explodes on Twitter. Something non-coders can use to interrogate an API and create a visual, Twitter Reverb.

The spinning circle in the middle represents the numbers of retweets and the major influencers. Context for individual retweets are shown as smaller circles.

Clicking on the circles at the bottom would take you through to the tweets themselves.

Some examples:  Seguir leyendo

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Elections in Argentina 2015 Highlights

This 2015 will be a year full of elections in Argentina: Regional PASO elections, Regional final elections and the mother of all… Presidential elections.

So first we published our (A) elections calendar:


Argentina voting is a compulsory right, so Argentinians will be voting many times during this year. The PASO elections are not withheld inside the political party affiliates but rather extended to the whole census.

To introduce our users to the candidate´s background, we published a (B) special interactive in which you can find detailed data and even the affidavit of the candidates:  Seguir leyendo

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