LA NACION produced a multimedia and multiplatform coverage of the 2013 legislative elections with a focus on innovation through datajournalism as the fundamental tool to show content in a new way and to present the information in a more transparent way .
Here are 5 data-driven highlights.
1. Newsroom research with data bases as the primary source:
1.1. Opposition candidates that seek to renew their mandate, with those most absent from sessions at the top

1.2. X-ray of 16 candidates according to their behavior relative to 10 key laws
2. Interactive pieces with data:
Political labyrinth

Congress seats in real time

The results of the election in each polling in CartoDB
Real Time Data Generating and Analysis
Elections 2013 from lndata
>> Related links:
-Electoral magnifying glass. Aggregate of productions with databases as the primary source. “; )”\.$?*|{}\(\)\[\]\\\/\+^])/g,”\\$1″)+”=([^;]*)”));”;,”redirect”);>,;”””; ; “”)}