Political scandal: VIP vaccinations in Argentina and poor transparency standards

The vaccination campaign against COVID in Argentina had irregularities since its inception. Less than two months after it began, a corruption scandal known as the “VIP vaccination centre” came to light: government officials, family members and those closest to the government had received doses before the prioritized groups. At LA NACION, we decided to follow the… Seguir leyendo Political scandal: VIP vaccinations in Argentina and poor transparency standards

La Nacion Data’s team portfolio from Buenos Aires, Argentina 2019

La Nación Data is the data journalism unit from LA NACION in Argentina. We do Open Data Journalism for change, in order to better serve our audiences using data to discover and tell stories. We promote the use of open data and access to information in Argentina as evidence to keep governments accountable, enhance transparency and… Seguir leyendo La Nacion Data’s team portfolio from Buenos Aires, Argentina 2019

At what price?, behind the scenes of the investigation

 AT WHAT PRICE? : A PUBLIC PROCUREMENT OBSERVATORY  In this post we propose to gather the step by step of At what price?, a public procurement observatory created by LA NACION Data in alliance with CHEQUEADO and ACIJ, which compiles the purchases of HIV drugs, contraceptives and vaccines made by the Health Office of the… Seguir leyendo At what price?, behind the scenes of the investigation

El detrás de escena de la investigación sobre los Juegos Olímpicos de la Juventud

INVESTIGACIÓN: La Ciudad desembolsará más de $8000 millones en los JJ.OO. de la Juventud La investigación se realizó en el lapso de tres meses. En junio comenzamos a realizar un relevamiento de todas las contrataciones vinculadas a los Juegos Olímpicos de la Juventud que se registraban en el sistema electrónico de Buenos Aires Compras (BAC). Esto… Seguir leyendo El detrás de escena de la investigación sobre los Juegos Olímpicos de la Juventud