Legislative Elections 2017: map with live results province by province

A unique and valuable service for the the users to know the legislative election results of each district and province in real time. In addition to the map with the percentage of votes for each province, the tool offers: – The option to see the results not only by province, but also by the districts that… Seguir leyendo Legislative Elections 2017: map with live results province by province

LA NACION (Argentina): Open Data Journalism for change

Meet the team! Open Data Journalism for Change Since 2011 when LA NACION Data was launched as an open data journalism initiative, its strategy has been the same: to do data journalism AND to open data. The vision we have is that each set of data that is published means that more knowledge is released.… Seguir leyendo LA NACION (Argentina): Open Data Journalism for change

2017 Elections: who enters and who is left out of the new Congress?

This interactive display shows the conformation of the Chambers of Deputies and Senators in real time during the night of the legislative elections of 2017. Not only allows to see how the chamber of the cameras will be composed, readers can find which candidates enter and which do not for each province. LA NACION was… Seguir leyendo 2017 Elections: who enters and who is left out of the new Congress?


Project Description Since 2011 LN Data has been a strategy, a content initiative and a team whose goals are to facilitate open data journalism in LA NACION and impact for change in Argentina. Our team has been formed by the same initial three members, Ricardo, data engineer for investigative reporting in LN Data, Flor, research… Seguir leyendo LA NACION DATA TEAM (ARGENTINA)