The new electoral map screen shot On the election day, an interactive map showed live the results with multiple layers of analysis, according to what the reader was looking for: for the whole country, by province, by district, and even by neighborhood or commune. At each level the order of the parties was presented with… Seguir leyendo 2.3. The new electoral map, live
Categoría: Elections
2.2. Congress seats in real time
Congres seats in real time app screen shot At the time of the election interactive pieces were produced to see in real time the results in a new manner, with databases previously created. For example, the seats in the Deputies and Senators chambers were completed live with the complete names and political parties of those… Seguir leyendo 2.2. Congress seats in real time
2.1 Political labyrinth
Go to the online app The pieces developed in the period previous to the election focused on presenting complete information on the candidates in a friendly way with databases specially organized for this. Political labyrinth is an application created specifically to visualize the political story of the main candidates in the October 2013 legislative elections, discovering past… Seguir leyendo 2.1 Political labyrinth
1.2. X-ray of 16 candidates according to their behavior relative to 10 key laws
Journalist Lucrecia Bullrich (Political section, paper edition) together with LNData team did research to evaluate how government and opposition legislators that were running for reelection in the 2013 Legislative Elections voted; and how was the debate on those bills between 2009 and the present. The team selected 10 important laws voted between 2009 and 2013,… Seguir leyendo 1.2. X-ray of 16 candidates according to their behavior relative to 10 key laws