How to innovate for an event that takes place every four years? How can we distinguish ourselves from competition and from ourselves? The key was again data and how to make data work for us to be one step ahead in innovation and impact. We must not get tied to a “classic” schedule of elections.… Seguir leyendo 2019 Argentine Election: the challenge of reinventing
LA NACION´s Shopping Cart. Monitoring 2600 supermarkets and 170 product prices
LA NACION´s SHOPPING CART: monitoring 2600 supermarkets in 170 product prices CONTEXT In March 2018, Argentina was one of the five countries with highest inflation according to the International Monetary Fund. The index climbed up to 47.6% anually according to official numbers. The jump of the exchange rate, higher than 100% also had an impact… Seguir leyendo LA NACION´s Shopping Cart. Monitoring 2600 supermarkets and 170 product prices
FIFA World Cup Russia 2018
On the occasion of the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia, a complete coverage was planned. The production had to demonstrate the highest standards of journalism in an interactive and digital design. The objective was to inform and engage the audience in two different stages: The first stage consisted of a series of playful and… Seguir leyendo FIFA World Cup Russia 2018
Argentina’s Senate rejected the bill to legalize abortion
– ONE BY ONE, HOW DID EACH SENATOR VOTE FOR THE BILL ON VOLUNTARY INTERRUPTION OF PREGNANCY – ABORTION: THE VOTES BETWEEN BOTH HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AND THE SENATE, ACCORDING TO PROFESSION, AGE AND GENDER CONTEXT On August 8, the Senate voted the Bill on voluntary interruption of pregnancy after a preliminary approval at the House of… Seguir leyendo Argentina’s Senate rejected the bill to legalize abortion