LA NACION Data was launched as an open data journalism initiative. Its strategy is to create impact and change in Argentina through the use and promotion of open data journalism. Our main focus is to develop and facilitate data platforms based in public information and open data to serve in investigative journalism as well as in… Seguir leyendo Open Data Journalism for Change
Categoría: Investigative journalism
La Nacion Data’s team portfolio from Buenos Aires, Argentina 2019
La Nación Data is the data journalism unit from LA NACION in Argentina. We do Open Data Journalism for change, in order to better serve our audiences using data to discover and tell stories. We promote the use of open data and access to information in Argentina as evidence to keep governments accountable, enhance transparency and… Seguir leyendo La Nacion Data’s team portfolio from Buenos Aires, Argentina 2019
Driver’s notebooks exposed Argentina’s greatest corruption scandal ever: ten years and millions of cash bribes in bags
INVESTIGATION ALL THE ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN LA NACION ABOUT THE SUBJECT This investigation was published on august 2018 after 7 months of secrecy. So far, 73 individuals have been prosecuted including a former President, 40 have been imprisoned, other 40 already confessed their crimes and are waiting for oral judging and US$ 600 million had been… Seguir leyendo Driver’s notebooks exposed Argentina’s greatest corruption scandal ever: ten years and millions of cash bribes in bags
Youth Olympic Games 2018 Investigation
THE CITY WILL SPEND MORE THAN 8 BILLION PESOS ON THE YOUTH OLYMPIC GAMES The investigation lasted three months. In June we began to gather all the contracts related to the Youth Olympic Games that were registered in the electronic system of Government’s purchases named Buenos Aires Compras (BAC). This was complemented with three databases… Seguir leyendo Youth Olympic Games 2018 Investigation