Salaries of officials of the City of Buenos Aires: a minister complaint, a payslip and the wrong data from the Government

The Government of the City of Buenos Aires has a catalog of data where it publishes information in open format to make different areas of its administration more open to the public eye. We  began searching among the datasets available to work with those of high relevance considering public interest. We decided to download the… Seguir leyendo Salaries of officials of the City of Buenos Aires: a minister complaint, a payslip and the wrong data from the Government

Use of Social Tools

La Nacion has an active focus on the use of social tools for reaching and including the audience in their work. One of our main focus has always been the social media strategy concerning our more than 35 branded official channels and 130 journalists on Twitter, which we consider a powerful mobile, real time and interactive service. The branded… Seguir leyendo Use of Social Tools

The 30 years of Democracy in Argentina´s Anniversary

Recent history of Argentina changed completely on sunday 30th, 1983. Raúl Alfonsin won the elections and became president which meant, returning to democracy and ending the period of military dictatorship. To cover this anniversary LA NACION developed a transmedia experience that allowed users simulate a real time elections coverage with digital platforms but using the 1983 original content. They could… Seguir leyendo The 30 years of Democracy in Argentina´s Anniversary

Third Parties Support

– Columbia University, Tow Center Report The Art and Science of Data Driven Journalism – US EMbassy en Datafest We got financial support from US Embassy in Argentina for inviting Ben Welsh (Los Angeles Times) and Ryan Murphy (Texas Tribune) to our 2nd Datafest for opening and mining public data. – Knight… Seguir leyendo Third Parties Support

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