2.1 Political labyrinth

Go to the online app The pieces developed in the period previous to the election focused on presenting complete information on the candidates in a friendly way with databases specially organized for this. Political labyrinth is an application created specifically to visualize the political story of the main candidates in the October 2013 legislative elections, discovering past… Seguir leyendo 2.1 Political labyrinth

1.2. X-ray of 16 candidates according to their behavior relative to 10 key laws

Journalist Lucrecia Bullrich (Political section, paper edition) together with LNData team did research to evaluate how government and opposition legislators that were running for reelection in the 2013 Legislative Elections voted; and how was the debate on those bills between 2009 and the present. The team selected 10 important laws voted between 2009 and 2013,… Seguir leyendo 1.2. X-ray of 16 candidates according to their behavior relative to 10 key laws

1.1. Opposition candidates that seek to renew their mandate, with those most absent from sessions at the top

Journalist Laura Serra (Political section, paper edition) and the LNData team worked together to study the attendance records of 74 national deputies (members of the lower chamber of Congress) that aspired to extend their mandate in the Parliamentary Elections of 2013. The conclusion the team arrived at after studying the data is that, of the… Seguir leyendo 1.1. Opposition candidates that seek to renew their mandate, with those most absent from sessions at the top

2013 Legislative Elections in Argentina

  Introduction LA NACIÓN produced a multimedia and multiplatform coverage of the 2013 parliamentary elections with a focus on innovation through database journalism as the fundamental tool to show the contents in a new way and to present the information transparently for the electorate and citizens in general. To add value to the press coverage… Seguir leyendo 2013 Legislative Elections in Argentina