CONGRESOSCOPIO, una aplicación de noticias para seguir la labor legislativa de nuestros diputados

Categoría nro. 11: Section or topic Seguir el comportamiento de los legisladores en el Congreso de la República Argentina no es una tarea sencilla, por eso un equipo interdisciplinario conformado por periodístas, diseñadores y programadores de LA NACIÓN, creo una aplicación de noticias llamada Congresoscopio que le permita a toda la ciudadanía conocer en detalle… Seguir leyendo CONGRESOSCOPIO, una aplicación de noticias para seguir la labor legislativa de nuestros diputados

Opening data and Doing Data Journalism in a country without FOIA

After another year of training and consistency in the data project of LA NACION, many journaslists and oportunities of new projects appeared. We continued reporting from datasets built from scratch and then transformed, opened and shared by our team in print, online and social media. We gave our third internal training program of Data Journalism,… Seguir leyendo Opening data and Doing Data Journalism in a country without FOIA

Argentina´s Senate Expenses 2004-2013

Extracting stories from public DATA formerly unstructured and in PDFs. After finding out that Senate have published expenses since 2004 in raw PDFs, some of them as images and completely unstructured, LA NACION data team managed to scrape, transform, normalize and structure three datasets into one and began an interrogation process that included front page stories, replies from… Seguir leyendo Argentina´s Senate Expenses 2004-2013