Date of publication 12/3/2018 >>> Live Link <<< Other links Description of the project Argentina has an energy crisis mainly related to a frozen fee scheme maintained for about 10 years of the Kirchner administration and an electricity generation and distribution lack of investment. This project was based on data collection with time… Seguir leyendo Where and Why energy cuts off in Buenos Aires
Autor: admin
Chronology of a violent day: the most dramatic hours
Date of publication 18-12-2017 >>> Live Link <<< Description of the project It was a minute-by-minute coverage of the events occurred the day of the legislative debate of the pension system reform at the House of Representatives at the City of Buenos Aires. Several social organizations made protestation in different areas of the city to… Seguir leyendo Chronology of a violent day: the most dramatic hours
How do we make information on salaries and retirement pensions of ex-officers available?
Date of publication 23/4/2017 Link to article Other links related Description of your project LA NACION Data team explores every day about government databases and great volumes of public documents apparently “lost” on the Argentine legislation. This work allows to find not only new sources of information but also data which become important… Seguir leyendo How do we make information on salaries and retirement pensions of ex-officers available?
Life insurance of the crew members of the ARA San Juan
Date of publication 7/3/2018 >>> Live Link <<< Description of the project After the disappearance of the ARA San Juan, we began researching at LA NACION the purchases made by the Argentine Navy for the maintenance of the submarine. Without any specific hypothesis as a starting point, we cared about understanding the general context… Seguir leyendo Life insurance of the crew members of the ARA San Juan