DATA as context integrated in content TAGS

As a way to enrich stories, adapted it´s CMS to integrate data as context in our content topical tags. Every news application or data platform we develop must be structured with this in mind so data as context can be distributed in topical or persons tags. To do this, we first normalize names and… Seguir leyendo DATA as context integrated in content TAGS

Public officials salaries and assets for reporting and accountability

“Click to access to Statements of Assets integrated Tag” LA NACION decided to fight for transparency in public officials salaries and declaration of assets as we feel that even in a country without FOIA, journalism and citizens must know and share what they know about how politicians earn their money, and how they compare with others or with… Seguir leyendo Public officials salaries and assets for reporting and accountability

Argentina´s Official advertising funds distribution 2009 – 2013: Friends, politicians and a stylist.

This datajournalism project transformed built and opened the first normalized and comprehensible dataset of official advertising in Argentina covering this 4 year period and grouped by company´s shareholders researched in a different dataset. It produced front page and full page stories and home page news in, that had lots of impact. It was lead… Seguir leyendo Argentina´s Official advertising funds distribution 2009 – 2013: Friends, politicians and a stylist.

VozData: collaborating to free data from PDFs – The Senate Expenses part II

VozData screenshot 1. Introduction VozData is a collaborative tool for converting public documents trapped in PDFs into a structured database that all citizens can understand and journalists can report from. The application is inspired in “Free the files” by and “MP´s Expenses” by The Guardian; it allows readers and users to be part of the process of checking… Seguir leyendo VozData: collaborating to free data from PDFs – The Senate Expenses part II