2.4 Map of electoral criminality, live


Map of electoral criminality screen shot

On the day of the election, October 27, LA NACIÓN participated together with the NGO Red Ser Fiscal (Electoral Control Web) implementing a “Map of Electoral Criminality”, an online platform where citizens could report in real time irregularities in the election.

The users could send their report through Twitter or Facebook using the hashtag #mapadelitoelecotral, text message, mail or filling in a form on the website of the NGO. The reports were anonymous and could  include images and videos.

The platform had two levels of verification of the reports sent by users, to ensure the veracity of the information published in the map. A Red Ser Fiscal team, specifically crated for this task, was in charge of approving and verifying the reports.

Technology used
Ser Fiscal – Mapa del Delito Electoral 2013 was a map project created by Red Ser Fiscal (NGO) using Ushahidi Crowdmap platform and supported by Knight Mozilla OpenNews Fellow 2013, Manual Aristaran, for La Nacion.

>> Related link

– Help control the transparency of the election
Ushahidi blog post

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