Using DevExtreme, HTML5 and Javascript to connect reusable data visualizations with updated data

Since 2012 keeps an open data catalog, with updated datasets. Besides, we report stories with open data published in Google Spreadsheets .

Most of these datasets are manually updated and we use Tableau Public to illustrate most of our stories with interactives as we cannot afford to have developers, we have only one.

Since 2013 our dataviz designer learned D3.js and javascript to develop our own visualizations and we detected many reusable ones that could serve as useful context information for many stories.

He selected DeveXtreme: a crossplatform HTML5 / Javascript tool to create responsive web applications for touch enabled devices and traditional desktops.

Examples 1)  Dollar: official and “blue” prices of dollar conversion to pesos, daily updated


Example 2) Central Bank stock of dollar reserves (Reservas del Banco Central) , weekly updated



Example 3) Inflation: official and Congress CPI variations: updated monthly


Example 4) Vehicles patented (registered) per month: updated monthly


Example 5) Real estate amount of propertie´s transactions in City of Buenos Aires, updated monthly



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Third Parties Support

– Columbia University, Tow Center Report The Art and Science of Data Driven Journalism

– US EMbassy en Datafest

We got financial support from US Embassy in Argentina for inviting Ben Welsh (Los Angeles Times) and Ryan Murphy (Texas Tribune) to our 2nd Datafest for opening and mining public data.  Seguir leyendo

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Data Section in


LA NACION decided to position a new section DATA in its main navigation bar at the home page of

LNData is a place where people in Argentina can find stories with open data and data journalism ingredients. It also includes Access to Information blog posts and article.  Some are datasets extracted from public or government sites, most of which are built, transformed, normalized and/or manually typed by LNdata team.

The data section includes: a data homepage, on open data catalog, a data blog, featured data journalism projects, dataviz, @LNdata Twitter, Facebook Page  and daily reporting with data articles.  Seguir leyendo

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Argentina´s Official advertising funds distribution 2009 – 2013: Friends, politicians and a stylist.

This datajournalism project transformed built and opened the first normalized and comprehensible dataset of official advertising in Argentina covering this 4 year period and grouped by company´s shareholders researched in a different dataset. It produced front page and full page stories and home page news in, that had lots of impact. It was lead by datajournalist José Crettaz working in teams with LA NACION data team and LA NACION interactive and infographics departments.

So this is the story:

More than 2000 companies and individuals received advertising in Argentina between 2009 and 2013, but 50% of this amount went to 10 media groups … the ones closer to Govermnent.

Only seven companies received more than $ 100Million pesos in this period, including three national TV channels (first, third and fourth in audience order) , four cable news channels  and several radio channels. But in that list there are none of the largest and most traditional newspapers in argentina. Even a hairdresser (stylist) received more advertising money than this newspapers..

Independent media discrimination and freedom of the press are at risk in Argentina, not only in the abitrary  official ads distribution now sustained by this datajournalism project, but also with private advertisers being ordered by government to stop advertising in the country’s top newspapers, in a bid to weaken independent media companies.

All this actions , besides journalists suffering layoffs and threats from public media or media receiving most of official ads as well as journalsits being harassed in public.

Built from scratch with raw data published with more than two years of delay, and after two foia requests (sort of, as Argentina´s still without Foia law) from LA NACION and transparency NGOs in Argentina, The Jefatura de Gabinete of Ministers released one year of data in two semester PDF´s that contain 30  or more pages each. LA NACION data team added this new information in a three year of transformed, normalized, cleaned , enriched and then open dataset that again is now available for everyone in Argentina to reuse.  Seguir leyendo

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How Argentina´s Senate grew in 55% its amount of permanent and temporary employees

On january the 10th 2011 vicepresident Amado Boudou started his administration. From the moment that several articles were published concerning the incorporation of a large quantity of employees to the Nation´s Senate, on january 2012 we developed an Excel application in Visual Basic for Applications, that (executed every month) and that would register the evolution of  the transitory, permanent and hired staff of public senate workers, as well as the details of each work force, which differ between each other.





The application did several tasks. First, it loaded each month in different Excel pages, identifying the date of the data collection.

Then we added up by date  the quantities of each type of recruitment to observe their evolution.  Seguir leyendo

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2.5. The results of the election in each polling

The LNData team with Manuel Aristarán, Mozilla OpenNews fellow 2013, developed an interactive map that allowed visualization of the results of the 2013 parliamentary election  in the different voting centers of CABA and Buenos Aires province. Also there was access to the details of the telegrams from all tables for more information.

The map in CartoDB combined the geo-localization of voting centers with the number of votes and the distribution of those votes by party in each center. The size of the bubble on the map represented the difference between the winner and the runner-up. 

The team did a pilot test for the primaries (known here as PASO) and repeated the experience in the October 27 election.

 How the results turned out in the school that you voted?

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2.4 Map of electoral criminality, live

Map of electoral criminality screen shot

On the day of the election, October 27, LA NACIÓN participated together with the NGO Red Ser Fiscal (Electoral Control Web) implementing a “Map of Electoral Criminality”, an online platform where citizens could report in real time irregularities in the election.

The users could send their report through Twitter or Facebook using the hashtag #mapadelitoelecotral, text message, mail or filling in a form on the website of the NGO. The reports were anonymous and could  include images and videos.

The platform had two levels of verification of the reports sent by users, to ensure the veracity of the information published in the map. A Red Ser Fiscal team, specifically crated for this task, was in charge of approving and verifying the reports.

Technology used
Ser Fiscal – Mapa del Delito Electoral 2013 was a map project created by Red Ser Fiscal (NGO) using Ushahidi Crowdmap platform and supported by Knight Mozilla OpenNews Fellow 2013, Manual Aristaran, for La Nacion.

>> Related link

– Help control the transparency of the election
Ushahidi blog post

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2.3. The new electoral map, live

The new electoral map screen shot

On the election day, an interactive map showed live the results with multiple layers of analysis, according to what the reader was looking for: for the whole country, by province, by district, and even by neighborhood or commune. At each level the order of the parties was presented with bars and also the description (with name and last name) of the legislators that won seats and those that did not in each district, with the possibility of seeing according to the colors how the new political map of Argentina was being defined in real time.

>> Link to the story
2013 Elections – Live results by province, municipality and neighborhood


Technology used and stages of the process

– Creation of the databases with complete lists of all the candidates of all parties in all provinces. Another variable was added to the original matrix: the place in the country where each candidate competed to reflect it on the map. Also a color was assigned to each political orientation, to geo-localize on the map the balance of power in the whole Argentine territory.

-The previously mentioned program was used to calculate in real time on the day of the elections which of those candidates obtained the necessary votes to win seats in Congress and those who did not.

– The information of the databases combined with the results obtained live drew the map automatically, with the program previously created.

– The map was designed specifically to be able to present the minimal composition of each place in the country, showing in all cases the following geo-localized information: vote percentages, the names of the winning candidates, the political orientation and the political party of each of them, among other information.

The databases were always available for the reader to download the files.

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2.2. Congress seats in real time

 Congres seats in real time app screen shot

At the time of the election interactive pieces were produced to see in real time the results in a new manner, with databases previously created. For example, the seats in the Deputies and Senators chambers were completed live with the complete names and political parties of those that won them as soon as the electoral results were in. The political orientation colors “colored” in real time the balance of power between the parties in the new Congress.

>> Link to the story
This is how the new Congress is looking: see the distribution of seats in real time

Technology used and stages of the process

The project implied the following technical stages in the work:

– Creating the databases with the complete lists of all candidates of all the parties in all provinces of the country. Also, a color was assigned to each political orientation, so that it would appear in the visualization of the balance of between the parties in both chambers.

– A program was developed that could calculate in real time on the election day which of those candidates received the necessary votes to win seats and which did not.

– The information in the databases combined with the results of the election obtained live drew automatically the hemicycle with the seats, based on the program created.

– The design for this piece allowed a real time view of the hemicycle and how the seats were dividing according to the different political orientations, including also the names of the new legislators and also a comparison with the previous composition of the Congress, to show the changes in the party distribution.

The databases were always available for the readers to download the files.


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2.1 Political labyrinth

Go to the online app

The pieces developed in the period previous to the election focused on presenting complete information on the candidates in a friendly way with databases specially organized for this. Political labyrinth is an application created specifically to visualize the political story of the main candidates in the October 2013 legislative elections, discovering past alliances, contradictions and party gyrations. Also the reader could choose the circuit for several candidates and compare and find coincidences or divergences in the past.

Technology used and stages of the process

The project implied the following technical stages of this work:

-Building databases with information on each candidate in the different election years (from the 2001 elections to 2014). What political party each candidate belonged to at each moment. What elective post they were aspiring to. With whom they had an alliance at the time.

-The application was designed to encompass the complexity of what we wanted to show, considering 3 variables (name, political party and year), which implied a challenge, with a triple combination of data. Links, photos and videos were added to the information on each candidate for the different years.

-Finally, the programmer worked with that database and developed the application for the design using the following technologies:
D3.js + Queue | Select2 | Handlebars | jQuery + easing | Shadowbox | Grunt.js

The program allowed the comparison between several candidates, comparing information of more than one person.

The databases were always available for the readers to download the files.

>> Link to the story
The candidates past: a labyrinth of turns and alliances

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