DESCRIPTION The early hours of December 30th, 2020 marked an unforgettable day for Argentina. With the passage of the bill by the House of Representatives and in a historic decision -only comparable with the approval of divorce or same-sex marriage- Senate enacted the law legalizing abortion without cause up to the 14th week of pregnancy.… Seguir leyendo Abortion 2020: legislation in historic decision
The death of Diego Maradona: How to say goodbye to our biggest idol during the pandemic?
[This is a behind the scenes expanation in english. For the full LA NACION’s UX experience, please visti the links provided. Thanks in advance!] December 25, 12.30 pm, 2020. When the death of Diego Maradona caught the world by surprise, LA NACION´s reaction was instantaneous, being conscious that the Argentine media should keep a step… Seguir leyendo The death of Diego Maradona: How to say goodbye to our biggest idol during the pandemic?
Education in pandemic times: The tragedy of empty classrooms
[This is a behind the scenes expanation in english. For the full LA NACION’s UX experience, please visti the links provided. Thanks in advance!] The closure of schools resulted in one of the most harmful effects of pandemic and LA NACION positioned itself as a media referent on the matter, as it was approached from… Seguir leyendo Education in pandemic times: The tragedy of empty classrooms
Simulation: this is how virus may be spread on public transport
>>> Click to access The Simulator One of the many debates caused by the coronavirus pandemic during 2020 was the way in which it was transmitted. Initially, the WHO pointed out that the virus was only transmitted through surfaces and through droplets expelled when sneezing or coughing. However, a group of scientists expressed their contrary… Seguir leyendo Simulation: this is how virus may be spread on public transport