The rush hours of the subway are different to the ones established by the government

Newspaper article Description We received a pdf paper from the organization Subte.Data with subway information of 2016 and 2017. The writings of the document was based on a dataset about the number of passengers entering through the subway turnstiles that the government of the City of Buenos Aires publishes in their data website, There,… Seguir leyendo The rush hours of the subway are different to the ones established by the government

Calculators and simulators

Technology allows us to present information in more attractive formats, which give the audience the possibility to experience how news impact on their own reality and how information can become palpable. Face to changes in public services rates, or new state subsidy programs, readers can estimate how current events can affect their lives. This year, new… Seguir leyendo Calculators and simulators

La Nación Data on live TV

This year we embraced the new tv channel of La Nación to expand our audience reach. We pushed the limits by making cross-platform reporting: print, digital (desktop, tablet and mobile) and broadcast tv coverages. Members of La Nación’s Data team exposed the data driven stories on La Nación Más, a cable and satellite tv channel… Seguir leyendo La Nación Data on live TV