CartoDB for Elections Mapping

The LNData team with Manuel Aristarán, Mozilla OpenNews fellow 2013, developed an interactive map that allowed visualization of the results of the 2013 parliamentary election  in the different voting centers of CABA and Buenos Aires province. Also there was access to the details of the telegrams from all tables for more information. The map in CartoDB combined the… Seguir leyendo CartoDB for Elections Mapping

Open Data Catalog using Junar Open Data Platform

  [UPDATED April, 2016] In  March 2012 we launched our “Data Dashboard” or Data Store and we keep updating the  database. This site hosts the datasets is opening and is powered by “Junar” an open data platform. We integrated this platform that helps our readers download data, embed datastreams or share them in social media. The platform has an API so… Seguir leyendo Open Data Catalog using Junar Open Data Platform

VozData: collaborating to free data from PDFs – The Senate Expenses part II

VozData screenshot 1. Introduction VozData is a collaborative tool for converting public documents trapped in PDFs into a structured database that all citizens can understand and journalists can report from. The application is inspired in “Free the files” by and “MP´s Expenses” by The Guardian; it allows readers and users to be part of the process of checking… Seguir leyendo VozData: collaborating to free data from PDFs – The Senate Expenses part II

The 30 years of Democracy in Argentina´s Anniversary

Recent history of Argentina changed completely on sunday 30th, 1983. Raúl Alfonsin won the elections and became president which meant, returning to democracy and ending the period of military dictatorship. To cover this anniversary LA NACION developed a transmedia experience that allowed users simulate a real time elections coverage with digital platforms but using the 1983 original content. They could… Seguir leyendo The 30 years of Democracy in Argentina´s Anniversary