The death of a prosecutor, 40,000 audio hearings, 2 years and a team.

  I. Intro II. The story (includes major terrorist attack, jewish community, Iranian Government, a President accused and a prosecutor found dead) III. The collaborative investigation IV. Analysis V. Major Findings VI. The app VII. Technology VIII. Impact IX. Open data X. Conclusion   I. Intro How and why we built a database of 40.000… Seguir leyendo The death of a prosecutor, 40,000 audio hearings, 2 years and a team.

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Categorizado como DATA, ENGLISH

Open Data Journalism for Change

Since 2011 when LA NACION Data was launched as an open data journalism initiative, its strategy has been the same: to do data journalism AND to open data. The vision we have is that each set of data that is published means that more knowledge is released. The first step to make datasets famous is… Seguir leyendo Open Data Journalism for Change

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Categorizado como DATA, ENGLISH


During 2016 and 2017 we started to promote our reporting with Gifs in social media. We experimented with different formats depending on the  projects. Some shows a general overview of the visualization, others want to highlight a fact obtained after the analysis. Please find a selection of them below: [View the story “#DataGifs” on Storify]… Seguir leyendo #Datagifs

S.O.S Riachuelo – a never ending story of pollution in the river with 8 million people affected

>> Please, first take a look at the the special published in spanish. <<  The explanation and Behind the scenes.  In the Spanish colonial era, sheep and mule meat salting factories were built along the Riachuelo river´s banks, along with tanneries that processed cow leather. Dumping waste into the river became a common practice that… Seguir leyendo S.O.S Riachuelo – a never ending story of pollution in the river with 8 million people affected

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Categorizado como DATA, ENGLISH