Monitoring the new Media Law in Argentina 2009-2013. 94% created were state media, no plural voices as promised so far

LA NACION´s data journalist José Crettaz, together with data team and interactive visualization team from demonstrated with DATA that the new media law was not fulfilling what it was created for, then opened dataset for everyone to reuse. In 2009 an Audiovisual Communications Law was approved that was very controversial, because many media said… Seguir leyendo Monitoring the new Media Law in Argentina 2009-2013. 94% created were state media, no plural voices as promised so far

2013 Elections data-driven Highlights

  LA NACION produced a multimedia and multiplatform coverage of the 2013 legislative elections with a focus on innovation through datajournalism as the fundamental tool to show content in a new way and to present the information in a more transparent way . Here are 5 data-driven highlights. 

Census Project, 2001-2010

In April 21st, 2013 we launched “The Census Project”, a microsite that maps and organizes the main variables of the 2001 and 2010 Argentina census. It was a step by step process with different skills needed, as usual in our Data Projects. Step 1: Embracing Hacktivism gave born to this initiative The initiative began last year, during a Hacks / Hackers… Seguir leyendo Census Project, 2001-2010

Open statements of assets from Argentina’s main public officials

In Argentina, where we don´t have an access to information law yet, LA NACION and other three NGO´s that work towards transparency (Poder Ciudadano, ACIJ and Fundación Directorio Legislativo) worked together to develop the first site concerning the heritage of public servants, making the information accessible to anyone with a computer and an Internet connection.… Seguir leyendo Open statements of assets from Argentina’s main public officials