Playlist and location of the phone interceptions used by prosecutor Nisman to charge the former argentine President

  >>> Live Link <<< The power of audio to support the accusation of a ruling President and Chancellor in Argentina. Digital & User Experience: We helped audience & Federal Justice listen to different phone conversations taking place throughout days, weeks, months, or even years, via convenient playlists and related information. Reusable: Whenever a suspect or subject… Seguir leyendo Playlist and location of the phone interceptions used by prosecutor Nisman to charge the former argentine President

Museums of Buenos Aires

Project description In a context of growing visibility for the latin american art, we decided to create a web app that allows the users to navigate through the permanent collections of the most recognized museums of Buenos Aires. It includes contextual information about the author and the piece of art itself, and a map with… Seguir leyendo Museums of Buenos Aires

One-third of the Congress members don’t have a College Degree

Project description 104 members of the Congress don’t have a college degree. That’s about 31% of all the 329 representatives of the legislative power. There are 17 undergraduate senators and 87 deputies. In other words, at least 2 members of each political orientations found in the Congress have no superior studies after secondary school. Cambiemos,… Seguir leyendo One-third of the Congress members don’t have a College Degree

The rush hours of the subway are different to the ones established by the government

Newspaper article Description We received a pdf paper from the organization Subte.Data with subway information of 2016 and 2017. The writings of the document was based on a dataset about the number of passengers entering through the subway turnstiles that the government of the City of Buenos Aires publishes in their data website, There,… Seguir leyendo The rush hours of the subway are different to the ones established by the government