Tracking the monetary base in pesos 2003-2017, and how this speaks about inflation

Proving inflation when there are no official stats has been very hard during the last 6 years in Argentina. One of the problems we had was that as inflation increased but was not recognized in official stats, more and more pesos bills were printed, and the highest amount was the bill of 100 pesos. So… Seguir leyendo Tracking the monetary base in pesos 2003-2017, and how this speaks about inflation

LA NACION DATA (Argentina)

LA NACION DATA website is not just a website, its a strategy, a project and a team. The strategy has to do with the commitment of using data to tell stories and expand the use of data, preferably open data, to activate demand of public information in a country still without FOI Law. We apply… Seguir leyendo LA NACION DATA (Argentina)

Unveiling Argentina´s elections system failures with impact.

Producing evidence data through Open data journalism and civic collaboration .   Elections transparency impact after comparing digitized primary elections telegrams with manually completed forms using technology and citizen participation in Argentina In 2015, presidential elections were held in Argentina with massive protests and complaints in some provinces as regards of fraud during primary elections.… Seguir leyendo Unveiling Argentina´s elections system failures with impact.