During 2015, Argentina had national and local elections including executive and legislative branches. It was a record for us citizens to vote in 6 opportunities the same year, for example in the City of Buenos Aires. In the national level, we had three elections: the Primaries, the General and the Ballotage elections in which president… Seguir leyendo Argentina: Elections 2015
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Vozdata 2015: Unveiling Argentina´s elections system failures with impact.
Producing evidence data through Open data journalism and civic collaboration . I. Elections transparency impact after comparing digitized primary elections telegrams with manually completed forms using technology and citizen participation in Argentina. Our third Vozdata Project. In 2015, presidential elections were held in Argentina with massive protests and complaints in some provinces as regards… Seguir leyendo Vozdata 2015: Unveiling Argentina´s elections system failures with impact.
Official Stats in Argentina: INDEC, The Machine of Lies
INDEC the Machine of Lies, is the first project in which we used the scrollytelling multiplatform format to express with all the richness of multimedia, video and data journalism, a subject that impacts every day in Argentina, a silent growing problem that are the lies in national statistics since 2007. With this case and it´s… Seguir leyendo Official Stats in Argentina: INDEC, The Machine of Lies
LA NACION DATA: Open Data Journalism for Change
LA NACION continued in 2014-2015 with its effort to use data as new raw material for journalism and to contribute to open data in Argentina while reporting or as a way to activate demand of more public information, in a country still without a FOI Law. After another year of training and consistency in the… Seguir leyendo LA NACION DATA: Open Data Journalism for Change