Data journalism for sports news

Besides the reports on economics, politics and society; data journalism can also provide interesting information for sports news. To compare the goals of two great argentinian soccer players, throughout history, and to classify them by type of tournament and movement that provoked the goal; is something that takes time of production but that is not… Seguir leyendo Data journalism for sports news

A special event for Open Data

In June 2016 we held the  Datafest 4th edition, an event of opening, mining and visualization of public data destined to journalists, communicators, data miners, designers, programmers and specialists from different areas. The agenda of the meeting included exhibitions of international referents of data journalism, workshops, open seminars and panels on Open Government issues at national,… Seguir leyendo A special event for Open Data

Free public bikes are used 4 times more on weekdays that weekends

Once again we discover stories in large datasets, in this case, the new public bike system implemented by the City of Buenos Aires since 2010 has produced and now opened a dataset that lets us know the citizens behaviour, the evolution of user´s demand and if this service is valuable, well dimensioned, and useful for… Seguir leyendo Free public bikes are used 4 times more on weekdays that weekends

S.O.S Riachuelo – a never ending story of pollution in the river with 8 million people affected

>> Please, first take a look at the the special published in spanish. <<  The explanation and Behind the scenes.  In the Spanish colonial era, sheep and mule meat salting factories were built along the Riachuelo river´s banks, along with tanneries that processed cow leather. Dumping waste into the river became a common practice that… Seguir leyendo S.O.S Riachuelo – a never ending story of pollution in the river with 8 million people affected

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Categorizado como DATA, ENGLISH