Video: 15 seconds, motion graphics & chaptered interviews

I) Instagram Video

For #WorldCup #Brazil2014 we have experimented with videos made for our growing Instagram audience in the sports channel.

Click to watch this video in Instagram

 Other World Cup examples: I y II

And we are also including them in our Femenine Magazine: I y II (GIFs)

II) Explanatory videos   We also made animated videos explaining different aspects of coming events regarding National Elections 2015.


VIDEO: Which are the documents you need to vote?

VIDEO: Which are the key dates and what do we vote?

VIDEO: Who are elegible to vote? VIDEO: Information for citizens less than 18 years old and for those that cannot vote VIDEO: How the primaries work? All you need to know about the primaries, open, simultaneous and compulsory elections.


(III) Video inverviews “Conversaciones”

Another highlight on elections reporting are interviews to candidates (presidential, governors, Buenos Aires City council) in our own newsroom. Videos have chapters for main Q&A and there is also a complete version of the conversation (around 20 minutes).

An aggregation of all Conversaciones (Conversations) project.

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