Industrial and financial activity data ready and open


The Industrial and Financial activity data ready series, are new series of datasets that include a dataViz ready. We prepared each of these series manually, to be ready to illustrate many stories that reuse data or that are monitoring industries, financial activities or employment.

To do this this we developed “LNViz”, a tool that takes our data from dgocs and builds a chart, keeping it updated as we update the data series. Developed once by our interactive team it allows us to build charts from data with the journalists without the need of a developer or a designer. Then these charts are embedded in the articles and allows the users to download the data series.

Example of cars patented in Argentina 2012-2015

All of these series are updated manually from PDFs, but automatically shown in the front end, and the data is opened in Csv or XML

Some indexes provided include:

  • Monthly cars patented since 2012

  • Monthly Industrial Production Index since 2012

  • Monthly total Retail Sales since 2012

  • Commercial balance (imports/exports)

  • Monthly index of the building industry from Gran Buenos Aires since november 2012.

  • Volume of sales of materials for the building industry since december 2012

  • Amount of building companies since 2013

  • Monthly amount of vehicle´s production since 2013

  • Monthly taxes related to employment since 2013

  • Monthly cars patented since 1995 from DNRPA official site.

  • Real estate sales in Buenos Aires City since 2013.


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