DATA as context integrated in content TAGS

As a way to enrich stories, adapted it´s CMS to integrate data as context in our content topical tags. Every news application or data platform we develop must be structured with this in mind so data as context can be distributed in topical or persons tags.

To do this, we first normalize names and then cross them with our TAGS database, and those that are in both datasets are automatically augmented by data or direct urls to our news applications.

For example: in a Legislator´s tag: her Statement of Asset, her path in politics, and even her profile can be presented, together with all the reporting.

Example 1) Person´s TAG: this is Elisa Carrio´s TAG – home page in

This is the link to our Statements of Assets news application – Elisa Carrió statements of assets page

Elisa Carrio´s Political path from another of our news application “Laberinto Político”

We partnered an NGO that monitors legislative transparency Fundación Directorio Legislativo, and they make every year the Book “Directorio Legislativo” and a web site with structured profile data from Congressmen and Senators. So other link that serves to learn more of that legislator is the “Ficha en Directorio Legislativo”, and it looks like this:

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Open statements of assets from Argentina’s main public officials (APP)

In Argentina, where we don´t have an access to information law yet, LA NACION and other three NGO´s that work towards transparency (Poder Ciudadano, ACIJ and Fundación Directorio Legislativo) worked together to develop the first site concerning the heritage of public servants, making the information accessible to anyone with a computer and an Internet connection.

The work included more than 30 volunteers manually entering data and generating a structured and searchable dataset from scanned PDFs. The project included all of LA NACION DATA team, using  collaborative tools, coordinating cross checking procesess and 6 full day check-a-thons that included the volunteers.

As they assume their public duties, public officials in Argentina,  are required to fill out a statement declaring their assets and then they are asked to update that information every year, while they’re in office. Even though the records are public, the information was not easily accessible to ordinary citizens, and of course when asked, it were given in print copies.

Declaraciones Juradas Abiertas was born in a unique political scenario. A new law regulating public officials’ affidavits was passed, which omits asset information of the children and spouses of public officials in future affidavits, reducing the amount of information previously available. The family asset situation is vital to create a chart of the current patrimony of a public servant for an illicit gain investigation. The application, which was launched on Sept. 28 (International Right To Know Day)  includes 1540 affidavits from more than 800 public officials (the members of President Cristina Fernández’s cabinet of ministers, legislators and judges, among others). It contains detailed information about their financial assets and properties over the years.

The interactive application that allows users to read a large volume of information and do comparisons, with an easy visual interface, includes the possibility to explore every original PDF document in detail, using DocumentCloud.

After the requests of the statements of assets was made to the Anticorruption Office (OA) and other offices, all the information came in print and in boxes. Each file was around 5/7 pages long.

The priority was given to the affidavits of the most relevant seats of each power and to the candidates for october 2013 legislative elections.

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Open Data Catalog using Junar Open Data Platform


In  March 2012 we launched our “Data Dashboard” or Data Store.

This site hosts the datasets is opening and is powered by “Junar” an open data platform. We integrated this platform that helps our readers download data, embed datastreams or share them in social media.

The platform has an API so than any user can download all data in a single action.

As a way to ease navigation and serve our users we are offering special catalogs for inflation in Argentina from different sources as this is a very controversial and sensitive information in Argentina.  Seguir leyendo

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VozData: collaborating to free data from PDFs – The Senate Expenses part II

VozData screenshot

1. Introduction

VozData is a collaborative tool for converting public documents trapped in PDFs into a structured database that all citizens can understand and journalists can report from.

The application is inspired in “Free the files” by and “MP´s Expenses” by The Guardian; it allows readers and users to be part of the process of checking documentation that is vital for citizen participation and control of information produced by governments.

The first project of this initiative focused on expenses by the National Senate and included 6500 renditions of accounts issued by the General Accounting Office (Dirección General de Contaduría) of that chamber for the years 2010, 2011, and 2012, published on the official site of the institution.

Senate Expenses is a project that continues the investigation of the same name, winner of the 2013 DJA (See more here). LA NACION had a great number of public documents in PDF format that presented enormous difficulties for processing, and even applying six different OCR engines, valuable information is still being lost.

But the value and the amount of stories and even judicial investigations that were discovered by this project lead us to open and put it now in the hands of our audience, so they could detect more stories. We collected this stories in an integrated TAG of our CMS in Seguir leyendo

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CartoDB for Elections Mapping

The LNData team with Manuel Aristarán, Mozilla OpenNews fellow 2013, developed an interactive map that allowed visualization of the results of the 2013 parliamentary election  in the different voting centers of CABA and Buenos Aires province. Also there was access to the details of the telegrams from all tables for more information.

The map in CartoDB combined the geo-localization of voting centers with the number of votes and the distribution of those votes by party in each center. The size of the bubble on the map represented the difference between the winner and the runner-up. 

The team did a pilot test for the primaries (known here as PASO) and repeated the experience in the October 27 election.

 How the results turned out in the school that you voted?


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Using DevExtreme, HTML5 and Javascript to connect reusable data visualizations with updated data

Since 2012 keeps an open data catalog, with updated datasets. Besides, we report stories with open data published in Google Spreadsheets .

Most of these datasets are manually updated and we use Tableau Public to illustrate most of our stories with interactives as we cannot afford to have developers, we have only one.

Since 2013 our dataviz designer learned D3.js and javascript to develop our own visualizations and we detected many reusable ones that could serve as useful context information for many stories.

He selected DeveXtreme: a crossplatform HTML5 / Javascript tool to create responsive web applications for touch enabled devices and traditional desktops.

Examples 1)  Dollar: official and “blue” prices of dollar conversion to pesos, daily updated


Example 2) Central Bank stock of dollar reserves (Reservas del Banco Central) , weekly updated



Example 3) Inflation: official and Congress CPI variations: updated monthly


Example 4) Vehicles patented (registered) per month: updated monthly


Example 5) Real estate amount of propertie´s transactions in City of Buenos Aires, updated monthly



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Third Parties Support

– Columbia University, Tow Center Report The Art and Science of Data Driven Journalism

– US EMbassy en Datafest

We got financial support from US Embassy in Argentina for inviting Ben Welsh (Los Angeles Times) and Ryan Murphy (Texas Tribune) to our 2nd Datafest for opening and mining public data.  Seguir leyendo

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