About lanacion.com

Adaptability, cross skills team building and training. Three aspects we love to develop as a means to embrace and motivate change.

This year, LA NACION and lanacion.com´s audience continued its growth in print and online. Our online audience grew 30% YtoY , to 7,6MM unique visitors / month (as of May 2011). Our blogs network has grown from 30 to 54 blogs, covering subjects from gay friendly to crime, tango or flight experiences. We developed our social media strategy releasing more than 30 branded official channels and 160 journalists on Twitter, which we consider a powerful mobile, real time and interactive service, by which we are reaching more than 500.000 followers (82% growth by June, 2011). And with more than 1.000.000 followers considering branded channels and journalists all together.

We strongly believe that innovation is focused in people, teams, research and multiplatform content planification. And experimenting. We just launched a social online radio, crossing four platforms with original daily programming.

Realtime and mobile journalism is present in every coverage me make. With more than 60% of our staff on Twitter, we´re heading for our Facebook for journalism project too.

In addition, we are experimenting with new social tools such as Storify and Flipzu.

LA NACION uses social media as a ways of internal and external communication, real time journalism and promoting content, as well as interacting with audiences and personalities.

We’re creating content segments and Twitter topical accounts like “Health” or “Green”, crossing blogs, print, online, or even out linking or retweeting content from our competitors.

Our site comments platform received last month 597.000 comments, another interactive activity record.

We are organizing a dataJ area where programmers, designers and journalists are working in projects, based in the asset of building a multivariable database. For visualizations, we published our first Tableaus.

Finally, to reach our moving target, the audience, LA NACION is also available on Kindle, different mobile platforms including Iphone, tablets like iPad, and flat TV.